I help Tired Healthcare & Helping Professionals & Maturing Women discover their forgotten superpowers to step into their Next Chapter of life with Self Acceptance and Self Compassion
The last couple of years have highlighted the fact that “doing what we’ve always done”- no longer works. We are finding new priorities, in fact, moving forward means finding ways of being in our lives that bring us fulfillment- in our relationships as well as our work lives.
If your self-assessment isn’t accurate- your perceived “deficits” and a loss of confidence may have colored your world. “Imposter syndrome” may cause you to constantly doubt all the Awesome things coming into your world. It might be that you have become disconnected from yourself, and have forgotten your natural strengths. Any of these can leave you feeling stuck, feeling inadequate, and questioning your personal success in life.
” The biggest gift we can give another human being- is to see them as they are. The most Freeing gift we can give ourselves- is to understand & accept ourselves for who we are.”
In other words, recognizing our unique strengths, experiences, and contributions are necessities for moving forward in the new world. Frequently my clients are Professionals, who are struggling with self-care and teetering on the edge of burnout. I help others reframe their experiences, manage overwhelm & overstimulation, and take self-care to a new level.
Whether you are “reinventing yourself” or “pivoting,” this process is for you. You might even be stepping up to the “next level.” The good news is, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. One of my gifts is in seeing what others are capable of being, and guiding them along the way to their own vision of what they see for themselves.

Personally- things are changing
Perhaps you’ve realized that you’ve been holding onto things- (especially hurts and judgments) that you didn’t realize you were carrying!
An awareness of the Grief- empty nests, loss of loved ones, maybe regrets for roads not taken
Your body is changing- (and All of those things that no one talks about)
Professionally you might be wondering
You have explored different “jobs” but haven’t quite answered “the calling” that’s been whispering to you. Perhaps the whisper is becoming louder, and even louder? You feel the need to do something meaningful. You’re realizing that you need to honor your value -professionally and financially to move forward.
How Do You Want to Feel?
Lit Up! Feeling a new energy about moving forward and self-care is automatic- leaving fatigue, irritability, self flagellation, frustration, and possibly overdrinking or overeating in the past.
Expansive! As you become clear on what “Success,” and “Abundance,” look and feel like for you! As a result, you pursue those in the ways that work best for you.
Heard! You communicate more effectively- you’ve dialed into your intelligent emotions- which include being able to see other people’s experience, and you confidently tailor your words to their experience, awareness, and needs.
Seen! Others recognize and value what you know & what you offer, (and pay you accordingly)

Where Do We Start?
We begin with your inner design- clarifying what drives you as an individual, how you exercise your strengths, and what “fulfillment” can mean for you. As you might guess, this work is uniquely individualized for you and how you experience the world.
Discover Your Inner Design Here
Growing along the way
We’ll explore personal relationships, or client challenges to bring it home for you- how you will apply this information – in real life. You’ll begin to find and apply the compassion for yourself- that you offer others! You begin to accept yourself- where you are at; forgive yourself for the choices you made – at that time; recognize experiences for the lessons they offered and finally begin to feel more peace.
Hypnosis may help
Sometime I offer Hypnosis to clear the path moving forward. It’s like rewriting the old CD’s (lol!) or recording over the old cassette tapes (remember that?) with new, more helpful information.

If this is speaking to you- connect with me Let’s Connect
Call to schedule 865-909-7081
Available by telephone or video- privately in the comfort of your own home or office or in office in Hendersonville
Truly and Deeply,